Sunday, October 23, 2011

What are the physical features of Abu Dhabi?

The Facts:

Abu Dhabi is mostly desert. It has some of the largest sand dunes in the world. 

The desert sand is broken by the fertile oases where plants flourish and fresh water flows.

The Hajar Mountains form part of the eastern border between Abu Dhabi and Oman.  

Abu Dhabi also has a beautiful coast line on the Persian Gulf. Due to the Persian Gulf war, the people of Abu Dhabi prefer to call it the Arabian Gulf.


Questions to Consider:

What plants and animals live in each of these different habitats?
Which area of Abu Dhabi would you like to visit? Why?
What are the physical features of the U.S.?
How are the physical features of Abu Dhabi and the U.S. similar and different?
Which physical feature of the U.S. would you like to visit? Why?
Create a topographical map.

Learn an Arabic Word:
One -- Wha'had -- أن

Learn More About Abu Dhabi:

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