The Facts:
Only 1/5 of the people living in the United Arab Emirates are native born citizens.
Many of the other residents have come to this country looking for a work. These workers sometimes move to the country alone and send money home to their families, but others will bring their families with them.
People from south and southeast Asia are one of the largest groups of immigrants.
Arabic people from other countries, such as Iran, are another large group of immigrant workers.
Immigrants come from other countries, as well. I moved from America to teach students English, math, and science. Many other teachers have also been brought to Abu Dhabi, an emirate of the U.A.E., as part of their focus on education. All of those teachers have spoken English since they were children. Some of the countries they came from include America, England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Canada.
Questions to Consider:
What fraction of people are not native born citizens of the U.A.E.?
How many fifths make one whole?
From what countries are the immigrants you see in Georgia?
From what countries are the immigrants who live in other parts of America?
Why do people immigrate to America?
Why would a person need to move to another country to find a job?
If you could move to any country in the world, what country would it be? Why?
Learn an Arabic Word:
Three -- Thalatha -- ثري
Learn More About Abu Dhabi:
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